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  • Cauliflower "Autumn Giant" is one of the most popular heirloom main crop varieties, producing large solid white heads well protected from the weather. 


    Dating back to 1838, and heads described as “very large, beautifully white, firm and compact” - this variety is packed full of good flavour and matures over a long period of time.


    Cauliflowers dislike any check in growth. Lack of water can cause premature formation of small button heads so water regularly.


    Harvest: September - November


    Nutritional Values: A good source of iron and manganese. Contains many healthy antioxidants.


    Field Grown Plants available in the below quantities:

    9, 18, 50, 100


    Young Greenhouse Grown Plants also available:

    Baby Brassica’s (20-35 seedlings, tray not included)


    Sizes of plants will vary due to season and weather conditions.

    Cauliflower Autumn Giant

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