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Not only do these plants add a delightful aroma to your garden, but they also provide you with fresh, organic garlic to spice up your cooking. Plus, with their potent scent, you'll never have to worry about unwanted visitors .

But that's not all, folks! Our garlic plants are also great for scaring off vampires and other supernatural creatures. So not only will you have fresh and delicious garlic, but you'll also be protected from the undead. Can your current plants do that?


So don't wait any longer, get your hands on our garlic plants today and say goodbye to bad breath and hello to a flavorful and protected life!


Garlic starter plants .

Excellent all round surprise variety.

Easy to grow and can keep those Vampire's at bay so plant some today.

Sold per seedling.

Size will vary.

Garlic starter plant surprise variety

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